Thursday, July 20, 2006
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1. You must be actively working on or completed a TKGA Master Knitter Program.
2. If you are a blog:
a. You must have a knitting blog, where you talk about knitting. Simply being a blogger who knits isn't enough, you must actively post about knitting. It's ok to post about other crafty stuff, too.
b. To stay a member of the ring you must post regularly. For our purposes regularly will be at least once a month. If you fail to post once within a month, you will be moved back to the queue.
c. If you get moved back to the queue, email me when you post again and then I will move you back into the ring after you begin to post on a regular basis. However, if you continue not to post, you will be completely deleted from the ring.
d. You can always submit your site again if you get removed, we don't hold grudges. (but you better have posted since being removed if you expect to be added back!)
3. Commercial sites will not be accepted. Teachers are not considered commercial.
4. The ring code must be visible from the page where your knitting information is located, not on any other pages. The goal is to be able to hit "previous" and "next" from one blog and arrive immediately at another site with Master Knitter information, being able to see the "previous" and "next" links. If you have frames and don't want to direct link to your blog page, I'm afraid you can't be in the ring.
5. You will receive a message from RingSurf with your Ring Code and Ring ID. PLEASE KEEP THIS MESSAGE for your records!
6. You have one week from the time you submit your site to get your ring code up and running correctly. After that time I will delete you from the ring and you will have to resubmit if you still want to be a member.
7. If you need to make chages to your information (new url, new email, new blog name), please log in to update it.
Rules are subject to change based on need. Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.
I have reluctantly decided to withdraw from the Master Handknitting Program for the time being so would like to be removed from the ring please. It has been fun being here though - thanks for running the ring!
My blog is
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